1. A. Jobbágy, G. Tardy, P. Mizsey, L. Wojnárovits, E. Takács, A. Tungler et al.: Towards a sustaniable fine chemical and pharmaceutical industry...(=>pdf)
2. E. Takács: Degradation of pharmaceutical compounds in aqueous media by ionizing radiation (=>pdf)
3. A. Tungler, A. Hosseini, Ch. Mounir, B. Pinke, P. Mizsey, Intensification of WAO, catalysis, parameter optimisation, ionizing radiation (=>pdf)
4. L. Esquius, New progress in emergent pollutants degradation by UV photo assisted Fenton process, (=>pdf)
5. Fenntartható finomkémiai és gyógyszeripar (NFÜ monitorozás) (=>pdf)
6. S. Papoutsakis, Evaluation of a coupled Ulrasound/solar photo-Fenton system for the treatment of selected contaminants
7. Hydroxyl radical induced degradation of aromatic molecules | Publications:
1 A. M. Hosseini, A. Tungler, Zs.E. Horváth, Z. Schay, É. Széles: Catalytic wet oxidation of real process wastewaters, Periodica polytechnica (=>pdf)
2. A.M. Hosseini, V. Bakos, A. Jobbágy, G. Tardy, P. Mizsey, M. Makó, A. Tungler, Co-treatment and utilisation of liquid pharmaceutical wastes, Periodica Polytechnica, 55 (2011) 3-10. (=>pdf)
3. A. Tungler, A.M. Hosseini, Z. Schay, S. Szabó, J. Kristóf, É. Széles, Comparison of noble metal oxide/titanium monolith catalysts in wet oxidation of process wastewaters, (poster) |