Table 1. Presently existing minimum and maximum dose and flux values variable by internal and external filters.

Quantity Energy Unit Min. Max.
neutron dose rate E>0.5 eV mGy/s 0.023 14
γ dose rate - μ Gy/s 1.5 2570
Flux E>0.5 eV cm-2s-1 2*106 2*109
Thermal flux E<0.5 eV cm-2s-1 5*104 3*108
Intermediate flux 0.5 eV <E<100 keV cm-2s-1 per unit lethargy 8*103 2*106

Fig. 5. Typical neutron spectra in the irradiation cavity. The beam-coupling window is Be, the internal filter is Bi, 100 mm thick. Lower curve: no external filter. On the middle: 200 mm polyethylene and 45 mm Pb external filters. Upper curve: 45 mm Pb + 30 mm Fe external filters. The spectra are normalized to 1 and shifted by the factors indicated to avoid overlapping.

Chapter 4/ page 6 of 17