Recent M. Sc. diploma theses
- Katalin Gméling
- Title: Variation of the boron concentration in Neogene calc-alkaline volcanic rocks from the Northern-Pannonian Basin: PGAA study
- Supervisors: Dr. Szabolcs Harangi (ELTE), Dr. Zsolt Kasztovszky (IKI)
- Year: 2003
- University: ELTE University, Dept. of Petrology and Geochemistry
- Füri Judit
- Title: Archaeometrical investigations of Hungarian polished stone tools made of basalt
- Supervisors: Dr. Szakmány György (ELTE), Dr. Katalin T. Biró (HNM), Dr. Harangi Szabolcs (ELTE), Dr. Zsolt Kasztovszky (IKI)
- Year: 2003
- University: ELTE University, Dept. of Petrology and Geochemistry
- Miklós Lakatos
- Title:
- Supervisor: Dr. Zsolt Révay (IKI)
- Year: 2002
- University: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Engineering
- László Szentmiklósi
- Title: Prompt-gamma activation analysis with cold neutrons
- Supervisor: Dr. Zsolt Révay (IKI)
- Year: 2002
- University: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Engineering
- Marada Katalin
- Title: Investigation of the effects of neutron- and gamma absorption in the PGAA analysis of geological and archaeological samples
- Supervisors: Prof. Kiss Dezső (ELTE), Dr. Zsolt Kasztovszky (IKI)
- Year: 2001
- University: ELTE University, Dept. of Atomic Physics
Recent Ph.D. theses
- Katalin Gméling
- Title: A Kárpát-Pannon térség miocén-kvarter mészalkáli vulkáni kozeteinek bór geokémiai összetétele és kapcsolata a szubdukciós folyamatokkal: prompt-gamma aktivációs analitikai vizsgálatok
- Supervisor: Dr. Zsolt Kasztovszky , Dr. Szabolcs Harangi
- Year: 2010
- University:ELTE TTK
- Veronika Szilágyi
- Title: Inka kori kerámiák archeometriai vizsgálata (Paria, Bolívia): nyersanyageredet és technológia
- Supervisor: Dr. György Szakmány
- Year: 2010
- University: ELTE TTK
- László Szentmiklósi
- Title: Application of time-dependent processes in the prompt-gamma activation analysis
- Supervisor: Dr. Zsolt Révay
- Year: 2006
- University: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Chemistry Ph.D. program
- Péter Pál Ember
- Title: Decreasing Matrix effect in PGAA
- Supervisor: Dr. Tamás Belgya
- Year: 2006
- University: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Physics Ph.D. program
- Orsolya Demény
- Title: Evaluation of low-count gamma-ray spectra.
- Supervisor: Dr. Zsolt Révay, Dr. László Méray
- Year: 2003
- University: University of Veszprém
- Zsolt Révay
- Title: The Improvement of Prompt-Gamma Activation Analysis
- Year: 2000
- University: University of Veszprém
- Zsolt Kasztovszky
- Title: Radioactivity of well-waters and ground waters
- Supervisor: Prof. Marx György
- Year: 2000
- University: Semmelweis University and ELTE University, Biological effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation doctoral program
Dissertation for the 'Doctor of the Academy'
- Zsolt Révay
- Title: Standardless quantitative analysis in PGAA
- Year: 2009
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Section of Chemistry
Lab practice for students of ELTE University
Our department offers
lab practices since 1998 for undergraduate chemist and physicist
students. They can become familiar with the principles and the
practical aspects of prompt-gamma activation analysis, by analysing a
standard reference material. A new lab guide in PDF format is available for download, currently only in Hungarian.
Lab practice for nuclear engineer students of BME University
undergraduate nuclear engineer students of Budapest University of
Technology and Economics, we offer an other course more related to
nuclear physics. The task is to determine the very simple level schemes for
carbon and beryllium using prompt-gamma spectra and various literature
sources. C and Be have only a few gamma-transitions, so they are
adequate to demonstrate the principles. A lab guide can be downloaded here.
University Lectures
- Zs. Révay, Radiochemistry Budapest Univertsity of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Engineering: Radiochemistry (1999-2001)
- Zs. Révay, Veszprém University, Special and General Theories of Relativity (1992-94)
- G. L. Molnár, Zs. Révay, Veszprém University, Nuclear analytical methods
- Zs. Révay, Electron and Photon Physics, Veszprém University (2000)
- Zs. Révay, Physics of Music, Eötvös University (1998)
IAEA Training courses
- Zs. Révay, T. Belgya, L. Szentmiklósi: PGAA, detector calibration, quantitative analysis, Budapest (2004-)
- Zs. Révay, IAEA course in Neutron Activation Analysis, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 2005