Zoltán Kis
Name: | Zoltan Kis, PhD |
Nationality: | Hungarian |
Address: | H-8200 Veszprem, Kõhíd u 5., Hungary |
Date of birth, place: | 16/11/1967, Mezõkövesd, Hungary |
Name of employer: | Hungarian Academy of Science, Institute of Isotopes |
Position: | Senior fellow scientist |
Contacts | |
E-mail: | zkis@iki.kfki.hu |
Phone: |
+36-1-392-2222 Ext. 3311 +36-1-392-2539 |
Fax: | +36-1-392-2584 |
Postal address: | Department of Nuclear Research, Institute of Isotopes, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1525 Budapest, P.O. Box 77., HUNGARY |
Street address: | KFKI Campus, 29-33 Konkoly-Thege Miklós street, Budapest, Hungary. Building XVII/A, Room 207. |
Workplaces | |
2006- | Institute of Isotopes, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, Hungary |
2003-2006 | Csolnoky Ferenc County Hospital, Nuclear Medicine, Veszprem, Hungary |
2001-2003 | GSF-Radiation Protection Institute, Neuherberg, Germany |
1997-2001 | Csolnoky Ferenc County Hospital, Nuclear Medicine, Veszprem, Hungary |
1992-1996 | Department of Physics, University of Veszprem, Hungary |
1987-1992 | Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen, Hungary |
1986-1987 | Military service |
Studies | |
1999 | PhD in chemistry, Department of Physics, University of Veszprem |
1992-1996 | PhD doctorate, Department of Physics, University of Veszprem |
1987-1992 | Undergraduate physicist, Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen |
1986 | Certificate of final examination in secondary school, I. László Secondary School, Mezõkövesd |
Scholarships and visits | |
2001-2003 | EU Guest Researcher (Marie Curie Individual Fellowship cat. 30) at GSF- Radiation Protection Institute, Neuherberg, Germany (2 years) |
1999 | Guest researcher at GSF- Radiation Protection Institute, Neuherberg, Germany (5 months) |
1994 | Visiting at Technische Hochschule, Dept. of Physics, Darmstadt, Germany (one month) |
Specialisation |
Scientific activity |
Diploma works |
Memberships |
Language knowledge |
Skills |
1. Z. Ould-Dada, F. Carini, K. Eged, Z. Kis, I. Linkov, N. G. Mitchell, C. Mourlon, B. Robles, L. Sweeck and A. Venter. Radionuclides in fruit systems: Model prediction-experimental data intercomparison study. Science of the Total Environment, 366 (2-3) (2006): 514-524.
2. K. Eged, Z. Kis and G. Voigt. Review of dynamical models for external dose calculations based on Monte Carlo simulations in urbanised areas. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 85 (2-3) (2006): 330-343.
3. G. M. Cox, N. A. Beresford, B. Alvarez-Farizo, D. H. Oughton, Z. Kis, K. Eged, H. Thorring, J. Hunt, S. M. Wright, C. L. Barnett, J. M. Gil, B. J. Howard and N. M. J. Crout. Identifying optimal agricultural countermeasure strategies for a hypothetical contamination scenario using the strategy model. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 83 (3 SPEC. ISS.) (2005): 383-397.
4. Z. Kis, K. Eged, G. Voigt, R. Meckbach and H. Müller. Modeling of an industrial environment: External dose calculations based on Monte Carlo simulations of photon transport. Health Physics, 86 (2) (2004): 161-173.
5. K. Eged, Z. Kis, N. Semiochkina and G. Voigt. Evaluation of dose calculation models for inhabited areas applicable in nuclear accident consequence assessment codes. Academic and Applied Research in Military Science, 3 (2) (2004): 159-164.
6. T. Katona, B. Kanyár, K. Eged, Z. Kis, Á. Nényei and R. Bodnár. The monetary value of the averted dose for public exposure assessed by the willingness to pay. Health Physics, 84 (5) (2003): 594-598.
7. M. B. Oncsik, K. Eged, Z. Kis and B. Kanyár. A validation study for the transport of 134Cs to strawberry. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 61 (3) (2002): 319-329.
8. K. Eged, B. Kanyár, Z. Kis and T. Tatay. Assessment of the aversion coefficient in nuclear safety in Hungary. Health Physics, 82 (6) (2002): 825-830.
9. K. Eged, B. Kanyár, Z. Kis, T. Tatay, Á. Ivády and G. Volent. Determination and use of the monetary values of the averted person-Sievert for use in radiation protection decisions in Hungary. Health Physics, 80 (2) (2001): 137-141.
10. G. Voigt, K. Eged, J. Hilton, B. J. Howard, Z. Kis, A. F. Nisbet, D. H. Oughton, B. Rafferty, C. A. Salt, J. T. Smith and H. Vandenhove. A wider perspective on the selection of countermeasures. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 92 (1-3) (2000): 45-48.
11. Z. Kis, K. Eged and B. Kanyár. Thyroid dose reconstruction for children with thyroid cancer in Belarus. Central European Journal of Occuppational and Environmental Medicine, 5 (3-4) (1999): 261-273.
12. Z. Kis, B. Fazekas, J. Östör, Z. Révay, T. Belgya, G. L. Molnár and L. Koltay. Comparison of efficiency functions for Ge gamma-ray detectors in a wide energy range. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 418 (2-3) (1998): 374-386.
13. B. Kanyár, K. Eged and Z. Kis. Modelling the optimal intervention possibilities in the case of nuclear emergency, mitigating the radiation burden of population. Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 10 (1998): 430-436.
14. B. Fazekas, J. Östör, Z. Kis, A. Simonits and G. L. Molnár. Quality assurance features of "HYPERMET-PC". Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 233 (1-2) (1998): 101-103.
15. G. L. Molnár, T. Belgya, L. Dabolczi, B. Fazekas, Z. Révay, Á. Veres, I. Bikit, Z. Kis and J. Östör. The new prompt gamma-activation analysis facility at Budapest. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 215 (1) (1997): 111-115.
16. G. L. Molnár and Z. Kis. Hideg neutronok kémiai analitikai és orvosi alkalmazásai. Izotóptechnika és diagnosztika, 37 (1995): 115-123.
1. Z. Révay and Z. Kis. Tokozott uránminták mennyiségi analízise PGAA módszerrel. MTA Izotópkutató Intézet, Budapest: OAH-ÁNI-ABA-10/07; 2007.
2. K. Lugosi, Z. Bõthi, G. Dankó, K. Eged and Z. Kis. Pontosított biztonsági értékelés. A FEP adatbázis felülvizsgálata és továbbfejlesztése 2. (részjelentés). Radioaktív Hulladékokat Kezelõ Közhasznú Társaság, Budapest: RHK-K-053/05; 2005.
3. G. Dankó, Z. Bajna, Z. Bõthi, K. Eged, Z. Kis, K. Lugosi, M.-E. Sevigny and M. Goldsworthy. Valószínûségi biztonsági modell felépítése 5. Bátatom Kft., Budapest: BA-04-17; 2004.
4. Z. Kis, K. Eged, G. Voigt, R. Meckbach and H. M. Müller. Guidelines for Planning Interventions Against External Exposure in Industrial Area after a Nuclear Accident Part II: Calculation of Doses Using Monte Carlo Method. GSF-Forschungszentrum GmbH, Neuherberg: GSF-Bericht 2/03; 2003.
5. K. Eged, Z. Kis, K. G. Andersson, J. Roed and K. Varga. Guidelines for Planning Interventions Against External Exposure in Industrial Area after a Nuclear Accident Part 1: A Holistic Approach to Countermeasure Application. GSF-Forschungszentrum GmbH, Neuherberg: GSF-Bericht 1/03; 2003.
6. K. Eged, Z. Kis, N. Semiochkina and G. Voigt. Evaluation of dose calculation models for inhabited areas applicable in nuclear accident consequence assessment codes. GSF Forschungszentrum, Neuherberg: Deliverable to EVANET-TERRA Project of European Commission under the Contract Number FIGE-CT-2001-20121; 2003.
7. F. Carini, C. Collins, K. Eged, N. Green, Y. Inoue, Z. Kis, I. Linkov, N. G. Mitchell, C. Mourlon, Z. Ould-Dada, T. Riesen, B. Robles, A. Suanez, L. Sweeck and A. Venter. IAEA-BIOMASS-5: Modelling the transfer of radionuclides to fruit. Report of the Fruits Working Group of BIOMASS Theme 3. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna: 2003.
8. K. G. Andersson, J. Roed, K. Eged, Z. Kis, G. Voigt, R. Meckbach, D. H. Oughton, J. Hunt, R. Lee, N. A. Beresford and F. J. Sandalls. Physical Countermeasures to Sustain Acceptable Living and Working Conditions in Radioactively Contaminated Residential Areas. Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark: Riso-R-1396(EN); 2003.
9. G. Voigt, K. Eged, Z. Kis, N. Semiochkina, R. Robl, G. Goulko, G. Pröhl and H. G. Paretzke. Retrospective dosimetrie und risikoanalyse. In: Reiners Ch, Biko J, Streffer C, Müller WU, Voigt G, Paretzke HG. (u.a.) Wissenschaftler helfen Tschernobyl-Kindern: Bericht der Phase II. GSF Forschungszentrum, Neuherberg: GSF Report 09/2000; 2000.
1. Belgya T, Kasztovszky Z, Kis Z, Szentmiklósi L. Mûtárgyak roncsolásmentes vizsgálata neutronokkal az EU-Ancient Charm projekt. In: XXXIII. Nemzetközi Restaurátor Konferencia. Budapest; 2008: talk.
2. Kis Z, Belgya T, Szentmiklósi L, Kasztovszky Z. Radiography-driven PGAI on the black boxes at IKI, Budapest. In: ANCIENT CHARM workshop, 23-25 November 2007. Sárospatak, Hungary; 2007: talk.
3. Szentmiklósi L, Kis Z, Belgya T, Kasztovszky Z, Festa G, Andreanelli L, De Pascale MP, Pietropaolo A, Kudejová P, Schulze R, Materna T. PGAI-NT mérõhely a Budapesti Kutatóreaktornál. In: Õszi Radikémiai Napok. Sopron; 2007: talk.
4. Kis Z, Szentmiklósi L, Belgya T, Kasztovszky Z, Ancient Charm C. Tomográfiával irányított elem-meghatározás fekete dobozokban. In: Õszi Radiokémiai Napok. Sopron; 2007: talk.
5. Belgya T, Kis Z, Szentmiklósi L, Kasztovszky Z. Az elsõ térbeli elemi összetétel mérések egy új PGAI/NT berendezésen a Budapesti Kutatóreaktornál. In: Õszi Radiokémiai Napok. Sopron; 2007: talk.
6. Szentmiklósi L, Kis Z, Belgya T, Kasztovszky Z. Radiography-driven PGAI on the black boxes at IKI, Budapest. In: ANCIENT CHARM workshop. Milano, Italy; 2007: talk.
7. 4. Révay Z, Belgya T, Szentmiklósi L, Kasztovszky Z, Gméling K, Kis Z, Firestone RB. Recent developments and applications at the prompt gamma activation analysis facility at Budapest. In: 12th International Conference Modern Trends in Activation Analysis. Tokyo, Japan; 2007: Invited talk.
8. Kasztovszky Z, Kis Z, Belgya T, Kockelmann W, Festa G, Filabozzi A, Andreani C, Kirfel A, Biró KT, Dús K, Hajnal Z, Kudejová P, Ancient Charm C. Prompt gamma activation analysis and time of flight neutron diffraction on black boxes in the Ancient Charm project. In: 12th International Conference Modern Trends in Activation Analysis. Tokyo, Japan; 2007: Poster.
9. Belgya T, Kis Z, Szentmiklósi L, Kasztovszky Z, Festa G, Andreanelli L, De Pascale MP, Pietropaolo A, Kudejová P, Schulze R, Materna T, Cippo EP, Ancient Charm C. A new PGAI and NT setup at the NIPS facility of the Budapest research reactor. In: 12th International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis. Tokyo, Japan; 2007: talk.
10. Belgya T, Kis Z, Szentmiklósi L, Kasztovszky Z, Kudejová P, Schulze R, Materna T, Festa G, Caroppi PA, Ancient Charm C. First elemental imaging experiments on a combined PGAI and NT setup at the Budapest research reactor. In: 12th International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis. Tokyo, Japan; 2007: talk.
11. Nisbet AF, Mercer JA, Hesketh N, Andersson KG, Roed J, Eged K, Kis Z, Alvarez-Farizo B, Gil JM, Howard BJ, Beresford NA, Hunt J, Liland A, Thorring H, Oughton DH, Voigt G. Compilation of a countermeasures compendium for food production systems and inhabited areas. In: EUROSAFE 2003. Paris; 2003: 37-45, http://www.eurosafe-forum.org/products/data/5/pe_175_24_1_4_6paper.pdf.
12. Kis Z, Eged K, Voigt G, Meckbach R. Modelling of an industrial environment. Part I: Monte Carlo simulations of photon transport. In: Proceedings of European IRPA Congress 2002: Towards harmonisation of radiation protection in Europe. Florence, Italy; 2002: talk.
13. Katona T, Eged K, Kanyár B, Kis Z, Nényei Á. The monetary value of the averted dose for public exposure. In: Proceedings of European IRPA Congress 2002: Towards harmonisation of radiation protection in Europe. Florence, Italy; 2002: talk.
14. Eged K, Kis Z, Alvarez-Farizo B, Gil JM, Voigt G. Modelling of an industrial environment. Part II: External dose calculation with relevant countermeasures. In: Proceedings of European IRPA Congress 2002: Towards harmonisation of radiation protection in Europe. Florence, Italy; 2002: talk.
15. Voigt G, Eged K, Hilton J, Howard BJ, Kis Z, Nisbet AF, Oughton DH, Rafferty B, Salt CA, Smith JT, Vandenhove H. Countermeasures: Radioecological and Social Impacts. In: Radiation Protection in the 21st Century: Ethical, philosophical and environmental issues. NRPA/AUN/IUR, Oslo, Norway; 2001: 23.
16. Eged K, Kanyár B, Kis Z, Tatay T. Assessment of the monetary values of person-sievert and the aversion coefficient in Hungary. In: Optimization in Radiation Protection Workshop. Veszprém, Hungary; 2000: 53-63.
17. Eged K, Kanyár B, Kis Z, Tatay T, Ivády Á, Bodnár R, Józsa L. An approach for the determination of the parameters of monetary values of the averted man-sievert. In: Proceedings of IRPA 2002 Regional Congress on Radiation Protection in Central Europe. Budapest, Hungary; 1999: talk.
18. Eged K, Kanyár B, Kis Z, Nényei Á, Szederkényi G, Sanchez A. Radionuklidok transzportjának modellezése a talaj-növény rendszerek esetén, szcenárió vizsgálatok. In: A sugárzástechnika mezõ- és élelmiszergazdasági alkalmazása, VI. Szimpózium. Szarvas: Öntözési Kutatóintézet; 1999: 45-51.
19. Östör J, Kis Z, Fazekas B, Molnár GL, Simonits A. Element identification software for PGAA. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest; 1997: 788-790.
20. Kis Z, Östör J, Fazekas B, Molnár GL, Révay Z, Belgya T, Koltay L. Comparison of functions used for fitting efficiency data at Budapest capture gamma-ray spectrometer. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest; 1997: 786-787.
21. Fazekas B, Östör J, Kis Z, Molnár GL, Simonits A. The new features of Hypermet-PC. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest; 1997: 774-778.
22. Fazekas B, Östör J, Kis Z, Simonits A, Molnár GL. Quality Assurance Features of Hypermet-PC. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARCIV). Kona, Hawaii, USA; 1997: talk.
23. Eged K, Kanyár B, Kis Z. Planning Countermeasures on Pasture-Milk Pathway in Nuclear Emergency. In: Proceedings of IRPA Regional Symposium on Radiation Protection. Prague; 1997: 377.
24. Belgya T, Révay Z, Fazekas B, Héjja I, Dabolczi L, Molnár GL, Kis Z, Östör J, Kaszás G. The new Budapest capture gamma-ray facility. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest; 1997: 826-837.
25. Révay Z, Molnár GL, Belgya T, Kis Z, Östör J. HPGe-detektor hatásfokának meghatározása 10 MeV-ig. In: Õszi Radiokémiai Napok. Szeged; 1995: talk.
26. Molnár GL, Belgya T, Dabolczi L, Fazekas B, Révay Z, Kis Z, Östör J. Az új prompt gamma aktivációs analitikai berendezés a Budapesti Kutatóreaktorban. In: Õszi Radiokémiai Napok. Szeged; 1995: talk.
27. Molnár GL, Belgya T, Dabolczi L, Fazekas B, Révay Z, Veres Á, Bikit I, Kis Z, Östör J. The New Prompt Gamma Activation Facility at Budapest. In: 9th International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis. Seoul, Korea; 1995: talk.
28. Kis Z, Östör J, Révay Z, Molnár GL, Fazekas B. Nuklidazonosító eljárások a neutronaktivációs analízisben. In: Õszi Radiokémiai Napok. Szeged; 1995: talk.