J. Pálfalvi1, A.M. Dám2, G. Bognár2, S. Antal3, L. Sajó-Bohus4, P. Németh4 and O. Csuka5

1KFKI Atomic Energy Research Inst., Radiation and Environmental Physics Dept.
2National Inst. For Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, Division of Cellbiology
3National Inst. For Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, Division of Molecular and Tumorbiology
4Simon Bolivar University, Radiopharmacy Laboratory, Caracas, Venezuela
5National Institute for Oncology


During the last two years the Biological Irradiation Facility was further improved in order to enlarge the activity on the field of radiation biology:

For illustration, in Fig. 8 two filtered, “realistic spectra” are presented, used for testing the averaged responses of semiconductor detectors under development for personal dosimetry and for low dose experiments.

Fig. 8. Spectra at the Biological Irradiation Facility of BRR with the following filter combinations:
  1. Lead 200, Al 93, Fe 20, Pb 63, H2O 480 mm,
  2. Bismuth 200, Al 85, Fe 30, Pb 63, H2O 480 mm.

Chapter 4/ page 10 of 17