The spectra were calculated by the MCNP 4A code, using as input the leakage spectrum from the core calculated earlier. The spectra were normalized to 1 and presented as flux per unit lethargy (logarithmical energy).

Thermal neutrons were not calculated but measured to spare run time and have statistics good enough. It is observable that the intermediate (1/E) part extends up to ∼10 keV, the fast section has a peak at about 1 MeV for both spectra. These spectra can be considered as quite hard ones with low dose and flux as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Flux and dose values calculated and measured (see Fig. 8.)

  Lead filter Bismuth filter
Intermed. flux ratio, % 40.8 39.5
Fast flux ratio, % 59.2 60.5
Measured thermal flux 520* 1180 1050
Measured intermed. flux 5700 14000
Fitted fast flux 8200 21000
Total flax 14420* 15080 36050
H* conversion factor**   167 171
Hp conversion factor**   175 179

Fluxes are given in
*additional 8 mm Al and 10 mm B4C filter combination
**in pSv.cm2

Chapter 4/ page 11 of 17