Used for Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis

A neutron capture gamma-ray facility has been built in the guide hall of the Budapest Research Reactor for PGAA and (n,g) spectroscopy. An existing evacuated neutron guide has been extended by a 17 m long section, the last 12 meters of which are made of borosilicate glass with natural Ni coating. The guide is curved and it guides the neutrons 30 m away from the reactor, providing excellent background conditions for (n,g) experiments.

A 25% HPGe detector, guarded by an eight-segment BGO annulus and a back-catcher crystal serves as the basic gamma-ray detection system. It is completed with appropriate NIM electronics, including 16k ADCs and coincidence logic, and can be operated in Compton- suppression and annihilation-pair spectrometer modes. The data acquisition system is based on PC boards interfaced to the ADCs by a ten-input digital multiplexer. The PC is connected to the ethernet LAN which, in turn, is connected to the Internet.

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