Related links
Hungarian Academy of Sciences: we are one of the research institues of the AcademyThe KFKI campus: this where the Institute is located
On-site partners:
- Institute of Isotopes Co. Ltd Production of radioactive pharmaceuticals and sealed sources; providing facilities (hot cells, water ponds etc.) for safe handling and transport of radioactive sources. Before 1992, the company and the Institute had been the same organisation, recently we are tied in fields of the joint maintenance, isotope production, and various services.
Commerce and transport of radioactive and other material. Established
for trading the of isotope products of the Institute in 1984, later
became a more independent organisation (as an Ltd.) in 1993.
- Atomic Energy Research Institute (AEKI) Operates the nuclear research reactor at the Budapest Neutron Center - essential for the prompt-gamma activation studies.
National partners:
- Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority The national authority for the implementation and supervising the application of the atomic energy
- National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene (OSSKI) is devoted to studies on the effects of the ionizing radiation - consultant in setting regulations in relation to work with and handling radioisotopes.