Welcome to the Department of Radiation Safety
The Department consists of four Sections: Nuclear-, Dosimetry-, Radioactive Material Registry Sections
and ICP-MS Mass Spectrometry Laboratory.
The main research fields and related activities are the following (see also: Research at the Department of Radiation Safety).
Nuclear section
Dosimetry section>
- Chemical dosimetry
- Solid state dosimetry
- Environmental and personal dosimetry
- Accidental and reactor dosimetry
- Radiation processing dosimetry
- Dosimetry control at industrial high activity gamma and at high energy electron irradiation facilities
- Radiation protection services
Radioactive Material Registry Section
- Hungarian national registry of radioactive materials. The database contains all radioactive materials produced in or imported to Hungary since the beginning (1954) of the domestic use of artificial radioactive products.
- Software development for the national registry.
ICP-MS Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
Main activities:- Analysis of confiscated nuclear material. Determination of isotopics of uranium and other actinides, analysis of impurities, determination of production date. (Nuclear forensics)
- Analysis of safeguards swipe samples.
- Analysis of long-lived radionuclides in environmental samples in ultra-trace amount.
- Direct analysis of solid samples and micrometer size particles by Laser Ablation ICP-MS technique.
- Multielemental analysis of different sample types (e.g. environmental, geological).
- uranium bearing material (uranium ore, uranium-oxide pellets, etc.)
- confiscated nuclear materials
- swipe samples for nuclear safeguards purposes
- environmental samples (soil, plant, ground water, sea water, etc.)
- geological and archeological samples