Neutron coincidence counting
Passive Neutron Coincidence Counting (PNCC) is a technique for determining (in combination with the knowledge of isotopic ratios) the mass of plutonium in unknown samples. PNCC is the most used NDA technique for Pu assay, being applied to a large variety of sample types: solid samples, liquid ones (less frequently), powder, metallic, pellets, fuel elements, waste drums, etc.
Neutron coincidence counter, developed at the Insitute, for the characterisation of isotopic
neutron sources with high neutron yield
- The device has relatively low detection efficiency (between 5 and 12%)
- It consists of 14 pieces of 3He detector tubes with independent electronic circuits.
- The traditionally used shift register is replaced with a digital pulse train recorder developed by the IKI
- The neutron coincidence counter is operated at the Department of Radiation Safety.