Zsolt Stefánka, Ph.D.

Senior research scientist
E-Mail ( @iki.kfki.hu ): stefankaPhone : +36-1-392-2222 Ext. 1220, 1219
Office: Building 17/A, floor 2, room 216
Main activities and responsibilities
- Method development for selenium speciation using hyphenated analytical techniques (HPLC-AFS, HPLC-ICP-MS)
- Determination of cancerostatic platinum compounds from environmental samples in the low ng/g concentration by HPLC-ICP-MS
- Multielemental analysis from short transient signals by ICP-TOFMS using special sample introduction techniques (electrochemical hydride generation, electrothermal vaporization)
- Analysis of uranium-based nuclear materials of unknown origin (illicit trafficking) using destructive and laser ablation methods
- Method development for the analysis of long-lived radionuclides (Ra-226, Th, U, Pu, Am-241) from environmental, biological and safeguards samples
- Method development for the investigation of uranium and transuranium elements (Pu, Am, Cm) accumulation on stainless steel surfaces
- Application of ICP-MS methods (elemental fingerprint and isotopic ratio determination) for food authenticity studies