Éva Széles, Ph.D.

Senior research scientist, head of the ICP-MS laboratory
E-Mail ( @iki.kfki.hu ): szelesPhone : +36-1-392-2222 Ext. 3171, 3168, 1219
Office: Building 17/A, floor 2, room 204
Main activities and responsibilities
- Analysis of nuclear materials by ICP-SFMS
- Development and application of radiochemical and analysis methods in nuclear forensics and nuclear safeguards
- Analysis of actinides in environmental, biological, geological and catalyst samples by ICP-SFMS
- Method development for bulk and particle analysis of nuclear safeguards swipe samples by ICP-SFMS and LA-ICP-SFMS
- Precise uranium and plutonium isotope ratio measurements by ICP-SFMS and LA-ICP-SFMS
- Multielemental analysis of environmental samples by ICP-SFMS